Many clients have asked me to create a resting, recovery space for after energy healing, bodywork, and somatic sessions. Your requests have been answered with my new OPUS SoundBed!. You will be able to book sessions for SoundBed online here.

What Is OPUS?

OPUS is a vibroacoustic soundbed that utilizes sound healing and vibroacoustic technology to reduce stress and elevate your feeling state. Low frequency vibrations are delivered throughout the body that quickly releases you out of stress response and into a place of deep relaxation and receptivity.

Why Is Paul Offering SoundBed Sessions?

OPUS is another method of reducing stress and creating more connection to our true nature. It helps us move and elevate our emotions so we can be more empowered meeting the demands of life.

Reduce Stress & Build Resiliency!

Feel Better in as little as 7-Minutes!  Schedule appointment for OPUS™ SoundBed™.