About paul david healing arts

Your Nature Embodied is Paul's mission and life journey realized.

Paul David Healing Arts is an opportunity to reclaim and embody your true Nature. Pain, discomfort, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and overwhelm can be the experiences needed to support you making new choices, creating new habits and making ways out of dead ends. Your Nature Embodied is living on your terms.

More peace, confidence and strength is your birthright. It truly is innate. As trees, plants and animals need certain conditions to be strong, healthy and express their innate beauty, we do too. Together we can discover and cultivate the ideal conditions that support you embodying your Nature.

Paul David Healing Arts is a culmination of Paul's 30-year personal healing journey and professional experience. During that time Paul has been blessed to receive guidance and support from healers, coaches, therapists, and practitioners of all types in healing chronic stress, trauma and addiction. Simultaneously, Paul's professional experience has provided opportunities to work with thousands of athletes and clients. Dozens of brilliant, inspiring, determined and resourceful teachers have led him to explore, discover and share his unique healing talents.

Collectively Paul's personal healing and professional development have supported him to take responsibility for his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. It helped him learn to understand the nature of chronic stress, trauma and gifted him with numerous techniques, strategies and modalities he shares with clients.

Begin your path to feeling Well and Doing You!

Schedule your session today and take the first step towards embodying your nature.

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