Crystal Empowerment

Crystals share several different qualities of electromagnetic energy (EME) to support our unique energy. Our aura, EME outside the body, and our meridians, EME inside the body, are both influenced by crystals. Using crystals provides us with numerous ways to support our body's feeling good including: more energy, less stress, better sleep, more comfort, greater self awareness and much MORE! This is an ongoing 4-class series embodying your unique relationship with crystals. These classes are designed for 10-participants. Please bring 1-crystal, about the size of your fist, pillow(s), yoga/exercise mat or blanket, journal and pen.

Class #1 - Crystal Play

This class creates your personal space to explore your unique relationship with crystals. What do your 5-senses share? How do you notice your energy? Does your heart beat change? Can you feel your feet? We will explore these and more relationship building practices.

Class #2 - Energy Aware

More, less, strong, gentle...My feet are moving. My body feels light. This class embodies how we relate to our energy connecting with crystals. It also embodies how to begin supporting our energy with them.

Class #3 - Energy Understanding & Support

Now I understand how to use crystals daily to help me feel good. This class embodies ways for you to use crystals in your life. Exploring our challenges, strengths, intentions, we can realize the opportunities crystals present in supporting us. Using crystals is a lifestyle, a way of connecting and supporting ourselves. They elicit our inherent strengths. They fortify our weakness when we learn to create space to receive their support. Embodying crystal support is akin to creating space to be in nature or enjoying a good meal.

Class #4 - Healing Stress & Strengthening

Embody how you desire to feel. Recognize and heal the imbalances caused by stress. Learn how to strengthen your body to be resilient and grow capacity for comfortable peace. This class embodies a step by step process and individual guidance to create your own healing and strengthening practice. 

Watch introduction video

Purchase the package

We offer a convenient cost-effective class package designed for individuals seeking to attend this class on a regular basis.

Book individual class

Alternatively, if you prefer a more tailored approach to your learning journey, you have the option to purchase individual classes.